CDX Frequently Asked Questions

EXR      |       WCUnderwriting      |       PEEP      |       BEEP      |       WCCPAP

User Accounts (Non-Administrator)

How do I get a new user account to access CDX?

If your carrier or TPA is already utilizing CDX to transmit data to the DCOs, contact CDX Central Support to request the contact information for your organization’s primary administrator so that they can create a new account for you. If your carrier or TPA is new to CDX, please see the User Accounts (Administrator) FAQ section.

Who is my primary administrator?

If you have a CDX user account, login into CDX and navigate to Admin | Requests | Primary Admin. The Primary Administrator will display on the screen. This screen is used to request a change to the Primary Administrator. If you do not wish to create this type of request simply exit out of this page. If you do not have a CDX user account, contact CDX Central Support to request your primary administrator’s contact information.

I forgot my password, how do I reset it?

If you cannot login into CDX, you can click on the 'Forgot Password?' link located on the login page. CDX will send an email to the email address associated with the user id with instructions for resetting your password. Your primary administrator also has the ability to reset the password associated with your account.

How do I change my password?

Once logged into CDX, navigate to the My Account menu and choose Change Password.

I received a message that my account is locked. How can I unlock it?

You can click on the 'Forgot Password?' link located on the login page. CDX will send an email to the email address associated with the user id with instructions for resetting your password. Your primary administrator can also unlock your account by resetting the password associated with your account.

User Accounts (Administrator)

How do I become authorized to use CDX?

In order to become the Primary Administrator for an insurer, complete the Compensation Data Exchange (CDX), Insurer User Management Group (UMG) Primary Administrator Application found on the website. The Application must be signed by an officer of the Insurance Group and sent to CDX Central Support to begin the setup process. Completed applications should be emailed to Central Support at All other users must be appointed by their Primary Administrator.

After I complete the application, what is the next step?

When CDX Central Support receives your application, they will perform general setup in CDX. When they have completed the general setup, the Insurer Primary Administrator (IPA) will receive an e-mail generated by CDX that will contain a temporary password and a link to access the website. The Insurance Primary Administrator will then need to log on and submit a Carrier Request to add carriers to their UMG. Please contact the individual DCO before submitting a file. DCO contacts can be found on the main login screen by selecting the CDX HELP CONTACT LIST.

Is the Primary Administrator required to reset passwords for Users or can they reset their own passwords?

Users can reset their password by choosing the “Forgot Password?” option on the CDX home page. In addition, once logged in, Users can select the My Account | Change Password option.

What is the difference between a User and a Secondary Administrator User?

An Insurer User performs the actual function of the application and does not have administrator permissions. An Insurer User becomes a Secondary Administrator when the Primary Administrator grants any manage permission to an Insurer User.

How do you change the Primary Administrator’s contact information?

To change the contact information for current Primary Administrators, a new Insurer UMG Primary Administrator Application, available on the home page, will need to be completed and submitted.

What is the procedure to change the Insurer Primary Administrator (IPA) on the account?

Log into CDX with your account. Navigate to Admin | Requests | Primary Admin. Follow the instructions and screens. Submit application.

I am a Primary Administrator. How do I add more Users?

Log into CDX with your account. Navigate to Admin | My UMG. Select the Users tab. Click the Add User button at the bottom of the screen. Enter the user information. If the user’s permission should mimic another user, choose the user name in the Copy Permissions From dropdown and click Save. After the user is created, navigate to the Users tab and select the newly created user to edit. Select to view the Permissions, Application Access and Transfer Permissions settings to confirm access is set correctly.

Is there is a limit on the number of Users that can be set up after establishing an account?

There is no limit to the number of Users.

My carrier/TPA already has a primary administrator. How do I request this privilege to be switched to my account?

Log into CDX with your account. Navigate to Admin | Requests | Primary Admin. Follow the instructions and screens. Submit application

How do I authorize a TPA to submit data on behalf of my carrier?

Choose the Admin menu, then Requests, then TPA. This will take you to the TPA Requests screen where you can complete the form to authorize a TPA to submit on your behalf.

File Transmissions

How can I view my sent files and their status?

Navigate to the ETR product and select the ETR Log. The ETR Status and ETR Response columns display the current status. The ETR Log displays files received within the last 90 days. For older data files, use ETR Search. If the ETR Response reads Rejected, click the pencil icon, then click the Error tab to view additional details.

Will files created/submitted in BEEP/PEEP show on the ETR search?

Yes, the files created and sent in BEEP/PEEP products will show on the ETR search screen.

Will CDX accept a compressed file that has multiple individual files for various DCOs?

Yes. CDX will accept compressed files with the extension .zip. The .zip file can contain a mixture of different WCIO file types as well as files intended for different DCOs.

What secure transmissions do you accept?
  • Web upload, which is selected from the Functions within CDX and is protected with Secure Socket Layers (SSL).
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP), which may be zipped or protected with the security-related extensions of SFTP.
Is your TCP port standard or non-standard?

CDX uses standard port 22 for inbound SFTP. CDX supports both standard port 22 and non-standard ports for outbound SFTP. Please contact CDX Central Support for the list of non-standard ports.

We would like to have the experience modification files delivered via FTP. From what IP addresses would the experience modifications be delivered?

The IP address that is used for FTP is

How do I view/change the e-mail address that is used for carrier notification of accepted/rejected files?

Select Admin | My UMG. Select the Carriers tab, select the carrier and then select the ETR Response Setup tab. Change the email address and click Save.

There is a notation to contact the DCOs to determine timing and frequency of submissions. Would this be different from the timing and frequency we currently use?

There should not be any differences in timing, but some DCOs may not support more than one submission per day. When in doubt, contact the appropriate DCO for assistance. Exception: NJ allows only weekly submissions. If the carrier is new to reporting data electronically, or if they intend to change their current procedures, they should contact the DCO for the specifics.

How can I check to see if the DCO received my file and it processed successfully?

Navigate to the ETR product and select the ETR Log. The ETR Response column displays the DCO status. If your file is older than 90 days, use the ETR Search page to locate your file.

How do I change our FTP address?

Navigate to Admin | My UMG. Click the Locations tab. Find the appropriate Location to modify and click the pencil icon on the right-hand side to edit your Location. Enter your changes and then Save.

What file types can I upload into the ETR product?

The following products WCPOLS, WCSTAT, WCMED and WCIND can be uploaded in the .txt or .zip formats.

How long does CDX store my submission files?

The ETR Log contains all historical data regarding files transmitted through CDX. The actual file is available for viewing and/or downloading for 30 days.

How can I test submitting files to DCOs through CDX’s SFTP site?
  1. Reach out to each DCO you’d like to submit a test file. DCO contact information can be found on the CDX Contact page.

  2. Create a CDX SFTP account. The same account can be used for your production transfers. Or, you can choose to create two separate accounts. Contact your carrier group administrator to obtain a SFTP user account and password. Your group administrator can reference the FTP Credentials section of the CDX User Guide for more information.

  3. Utilizing the CDX SFTP account credentials, create a SFTP file transmission. Test and Production files are sent to the same destination. Specify whether the file is a test vs. production file using Submission Type Code field of the ETR (position 64). Utilize T is for test files. See the WCIO specifications manual for the list of valid Submission Type Codes for production files.

  4. Send the file(s) to:

    FTP Site Address:
    Connection Type: SFTP/SSH
    Remote Port: Port 22

    After testing has been concluded and the DCO has confirmed receipt for the file(s), then the carrier setup is complete. You can begin sending the production files the same way by updating the Submission Type Code to the production value.

    The primary admin or a user that has ETR Access can track file submissions sent to the DCO via the ETR search.

What role does the FTP Technical Contact serve and how do I update?

The FTP Technical Contact is used for communication purposes only. CDX will utilize the Group Administrator and FTP Technical Contact email addresses to notify carriers regarding FTP issues, maintenance outside of the standard Saturday and Sunday maintenance windows or on technical changes such as cipher suite support. To change the FTP Technical Contact, access the Admin | MyUMG | FTP Credentials page.


What is the difference between the DCO Mod Lookup and EXR Search features?

DCO Mod Lookup provides immediate access to CDX Member’s rating data and provides access to historical ratings that might not be available in the EXR product. EXR Search only contains data for ratings issued within the prior two years. DCO Mod Lookup has a limited set of rating values whereas EXR Search provides access to the full worksheet.

How do I gain access to DCO Mod Lookup?

Your primary administrator can provide access by selecting the DCO Mod Lookup option on the Application Access page.

If I give users access to the EXR product, do you need to do anything special to make sure the worksheets are available?

Once a user has access to the EXR product, they will have access to the rating worksheets that have been issued by DE, MN, MI, PA, NY, and WI. If you are not able to locate a worksheet, please contact the issuing DCO.

Will the EXR/Merit Rating worksheets only be available through CDX? Will they also be available on the DCO website?

The following DCOs only post worksheets to the CDX website:
The following DCOs post worksheets to both the CDX website and their DCO website:
The following DCOs do not post worksheets to the CDX website. To view worksheets, you must access the DCO website:

How often is the EXR product updated with current mod information?

The frequency varies by DCO:
MN — EXR is updated with current mod information each weekday evening, except holidays.
MI — EXR is updated with current mod information every weekday (M-F).
NY — EXR is updated with current mod information every weekday (M-F).
WI — EXR is updated with current mod information each weekday morning, except holidays.
DE/PA — EXR is updated with current mod information every weekday (M-F).

WCRATINGS File Transmission - EXR

What is the naming convention for WCRATING files?
The naming convention varies by DCO:
DE — RGEP_#####C_00007D_CCYYMMDDHHMM.TXT where ##### is the carrier code
PA — RGEP_#####C_00037D_CCYYMMDDHHMM.TXT where ##### is the carrier code
MA — R20_to_Carrier_XXXXX_MM_DD_YYYY.txt where XXXXX is carrier code
MI — WCRATING_#####_21_ccyymmddhhmm.txt where ##### is the carrier group code
MN, NC, NJ, NY, WI — The files will be named using the following convention and refer to this example from ratings generated from MN on 05/28/20: R22_12345.D20149V01
  • R (rating) ||
  • Bureau state code (22 for MN, 29 for NJ, 31 for NY, 32 for NC and 48 for WI) || '_' ||
  • Your carrier code || '.' ||
  • D (date) ||
  • Julian file created date ||
  • V (version) ||
Sequence number (starts with 01 and will be incremented with each additional file created on the same date. It allows a file to be created after midnight and another before midnight on the same date)
Does the WCRATING file mirror the EXR worksheet?

No. The WCRATING file is an electronic file format and does not contain images of experience rating worksheets. Programming is required to create an image that is similar to the experience rating worksheet.

We would like to be able to modify/reformat specific information on the Experience Rating worksheets to help our underwriters. For example, adding the underwriter ID, account name, and policy number to the top of the worksheet are a few changes we would like to make. We may want to give the worksheets a standardized look for all states, if this is possible. Would this be OK to do and is it necessary to have any copyright notice on the worksheet?

WCRATING is an electronic file format that contains the rating data, not worksheets. Once received, the carrier can convert the data into other formats for internal distribution and can insert additional information. If the carrier is using the WCRATING data to create a worksheet, they should not use a copyright notice as the DCO did not produce the worksheet.

How often are WCRATING files sent to CDX?

The frequency varies by DCO:
DE/PA — WCRATING files are sent to CDX Monday-Friday.
MA — WCRATING files are sent to CDX for carriers that have chosen delivery via CDX from Monday through Friday.
MI — WCRATING files are sent to CDX on Monday–Friday at 2:00 AM.
MN — WCRATING files are sent each weekday evening, except for holidays.
NC – WCRATING files are sent to CDX daily.
NJ – WCRATING files are sent to CDX daily.
NY — WCRATING files are sent to CDX Monday-Friday.
WI – WCRATING files are sent to CDX Monday – Friday.

We would like to start receiving rating data from CDX via FTP. What file formats should I expect to receive?

WCRATING files are sent from the DCO to CDX in .txt format. If you would like CDX to compress the files before posting to your FTP site, the Insurer Primary Administrator can set this configuration by accessing the Admin | My UMG | Locations screen. Click the pencil icon next to the FTP location and select the Zip Compression option.

Users can also opt to receive the rating worksheet in PDF version via FTP. The Insurer Primary Administrator can set this configuration by accessing the Admin | My UMG | Locations screen. Click the pencil icon next to the FTP location and then select an option for PDF Preferences. NOTE: New Jersey does not support PDF files.

Is the transfer method FTP or will it be a secure transfer method?

CDX only supports secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) when sending or receiving files.


What is the difference between the DCO Mod Lookup product and the WCUnderwriting web service?

The DCO Mod Lookup product can be accessed on the CDX website under the EXR menu and enables authorized users to enter search criteria for retrieval of experience modification factors, merit rating factors and related rating information from participating DCOs. Please see the CDX User Guide for more information.

The WCUnderwriting web service (Business to Business – B2B) enables carriers and their authorized users to retrieve WCUnderwriting data in the WCIO XML format through a web service call. Carrier systems can retrieve WCUnderwriting data for a single insured from multiple CDX Members within a single call. For more information on the WCUnderwriting web service and to obtain the WCUnderwriting Implementation Guide, please contact CDX Central Support.

Does the WCUnderwriting web service retrieve data from non-CDX Members?

No. The CDX WCUnderwriting web service only retrieves WCUnderwriting values from participating CDX members.

How do I get access to use the WCUnderwriting web service?

Access to use the WCUnderwriting web service is configured at the carrier or carrier group level and must be configured by your Primary Administrator. Your Primary Administrator will submit access to the requested DCO(s). Please contact CDX Central Support to request the WCUnderwriting XML Implementation Guide.



What fields need to be completed for a Named Insured?

The required fields are marked with a Red Asterisk. Additional fields that should be completed may vary from DCO to DCO, so it is important to check with each of them regarding their reporting instructions.

How do you enter a change adding or deleting an entity (Name)?

Adding a Name with a different Name Link Code
For Transaction Codes 08, 10, or 14, the User will select the Add New Name option from the Name screen, enter the needed data (including the policy changes effective and expiration dates at the bottom of the screen) and select the Save option.
For Transaction Code 03, on the endorsement drop-down, select the appropriate endorsement (WC890601) and then select Create New Endorsement. On the next screen, enter the appropriate data including Name Revision Code A (Add name of insured to policy), the Name of Employer, and Policy Change Effective Date. When this endorsement is complete, select the Save option.
Adding a Name with the same Name Link Code
This should be done when adding an additional DBA or when extending the name longer than 90 positions. For a Transaction Code 08, 10, or 14, the User will open up the link to the name being extended, select the Save and Continue option at the bottom of the screen, and enter the appropriate data. When finished, select the Save option.
Deleting a Name
For Transaction Codes 08, 10, or 14, the User will select the name to be deleted. This will open the data screen for that name. The User will add the Policy Change Effective and Expiration Date and select the Save option.
If the Delete link on the Name screen is selected, this name will no longer be associated with this policy and will not be a part of any future transactions that are created. This may have proof of coverage implications and it is important to check with each DCO regarding their name reporting instructions.
For Transaction Code 03, on the drop-down for the endorsement selection, find the appropriate endorsement (WC890601) and select Create New Endorsement. On the next screen, enter the appropriate data including the Name Revision Code D (Delete name of insured from policy), Name of Employer, and the Policy Change Effective Date.

Should the ‘DBA’ be entered for a named insured?

It is important to check with each DCO regarding their reporting instructions.

Can the DBA be included in the same name record or does it have to be in a separate name record?

It is important to check with each DCO regarding their reporting instructions.

Is it important to identify a name as ‘Personal’ or ‘Commercial’?

Yes. You are required to select one of these values. For policies that are imported, the String Name value may be allowed. It is important to check with each DCO regarding their reporting instructions.


How do you enter ‘No Specific Location’ when there are state edits for this type of address?

On the Address screen, select value 6 in the Type of Address Code field, select the name being linked to this address, and enter a State.

If the location address is the same as the mailing address do we need to enter this address?

This depends on the jurisdiction receiving the policy. It is important to check with each DCO regarding their reporting instructions.

Should the State be entered for ‘No Specific Location’?

Yes, you should enter the state when you have a No Specific Location situation. While this field is not required by PEEP, it must be entered for state linking purposes.


What fields need to be completed when adding an additional State Premium Record in PEEP?

When adding an additional State Premium Record, the User enters the first premium record by selecting the link in the Carrier # column and enters the appropriate data. This creates the first premium record. To create the second Premium Record, select the Add Premium Option and enter all appropriate data (including the Experience Modification Effective Date). This creates the second Premium Record. The Expense Constant and Premium Discount (if applicable) should be reported on the second Premium Record.

On the Premium screen, why is the Carrier # 0?

The Carrier # 0 is the link to open state premium records when the Carrier Code field on the State Premium Record is left blank.

How do you enter exposure for a split mod?

Two Exposure Records must be submitted (enter the exposure screen twice) for each Class and Statistical Code on the policy. Report the exposure’s effective date in the Exposure Period Effective Date Field along with all related fields pertaining to and/or calculated for each period.


If a policy is uploaded with a list of endorsements, do they need to be re- entered or will they already be populated?

Any data uploaded into PEEP should already be populated.

Does the need for the endorsement Bureau Version Identifier and Carrier Version Identifier depend on the DCO?

The need for using the Endorsement Number/Bureau Version Identifier and Carrier Version Identifier may depend on the DCO and how the form was filed for approval in that jurisdiction. Carrier Version Identifiers can be applied to a standard form to identify the form for an insurer’s specific system requirements and to match how approval for the form was granted, or may be used as the sole form number for nonstandard forms.

If you do not delete the endorsements that are entered for one state, will they be carried over for other states?

Endorsements that are entered will carry over to other states unless they are deleted.

Are there edits that would flag endorsements that are not applicable for a state that are countrywide?

No. PEEP does not edit state specific information.

How do you enter carrier filed endorsements?

If a DCO accepts Carrier filed endorsements they should be entered on the 3D Endorsements screen, and the carrier must enter the variable text records, when applicable. Please check with each DCO to determine what is needed and acceptable.

Are the endorsement fields limited to a certain number of characters?

Yes, the size for all fields is governed by WCPOLS.

How do you enter additional data for an endorsement that does not have a continuation screen?

All fields must be entered in the allowable space unless a continuation page is indicated. If additional data is required such as additional names for Exclusion Endorsements, additional endorsement screens may be selected. To be sure, contact the appropriate DCO.


Can I create a cancellation or reinstatement from an existing policy in PEEP?

You can only use a policy to create a cancellation or reinstatement when you select the Add New Transaction option. Using the copy feature from a policy transaction will not allow you to create a cancellation or reinstatement. However, in either case, you will be required to enter all required information.

Why do you need to enter the insured’s name and address when processing cancellations and reinstatements when the policy is stored in PEEP?

PEEP was designed for independent entry of cancellation and reinstatement transactions.

Is the Corresponding Cancellation Effective Date field required?

The Corresponding Cancellation Effective Date field is not required by all DCOs. It is important to check with each DCO regarding their reporting instructions.

If the whole policy needs to be cancelled, do all states need to be cancelled individually, or can that field be left blank to cancel all states?

A cancellation or reinstatement can only be placed in a submission file for the state codes listed in the Enter State Code screen. If this screen is left blank, the transaction will not be allowed in a submission file.

On a Reinstatement, are the Reinstatement Effective Date and the Corresponding Cancellation Effective Date supposed to be the same date?

The Reinstatement Effective Date and the Corresponding Cancellation Effective Date are the same if you are reinstating a policy with no lapse in coverage. It is important to check with each DCO regarding their reporting instructions.

If I make a mistake on a Cancellation/Reinstatement how can I correct it?

Contact the DCO. A new combination of Reinstatement/Cancellation may be required.

Can I copy a Cancellation or Reinstatement?

No. All Cancellation/Reinstatement information must be entered each time the transaction is formatted.


Can this program be used to transmit any corrected information such as payrolls, classes, modifications, or merits?

Yes. There are Transaction Codes available for submitting corrections to policy data. It is important to check with each DCO regarding their reporting instructions.

What is the difference between making a change using a Policy Replacement Transaction verses a change using an Endorsement Transaction?

Either Transaction results in a change to a policy. If the Insured was notified of a policy change via an endorsement, an Endorsement Transaction should be used. If the change was made by replacing the policy, a Policy Replacement Transaction should be submitted. Check with each DCO for further instructions.

How do you change Carrier Code information?

If the transaction has not been submitted find the appropriate Carrier Code field (link data or premium) and make the change. Once the transaction has been submitted, a new transaction must be created to make the change. It is important to check with each DCO regarding their reporting instructions.

What information is required on a Transaction Code 16?

All information with a red asterisk on the Policy record screen and 3A is required. It is important to check with each DCO regarding their reporting instructions.

What Transaction Code would you use to add a state to an existing policy?

Transaction Code 15 is used to add a state to an already existing policy. Some DCOs may have specific instructions on when it is acceptable to use Transaction Code 15. Please check with each DCO for instructions.


Does PEEP go through all policy edits?

No, PEEP® does basic edits to encompass all states and there are some edits that pertain to only certain states.

Are there edits that would flag endorsements that are not applicable for a state that are countrywide? How strict are the edits for endorsements for each state?

There are no edits to flag this as PEEP does not contain state specific edits. It is important to check with each DCO regarding their reporting instructions.

Will there be edits in the future that could warn about errors before a transaction is submitted?

There are edits in place today to warn or stop the User from making errors and there are no plans to expand the edits at this time.

If an edit fails, will the User be able to tell what is wrong?

Once the User selects Run Edits on a policy transaction for a specific state, the Edit Errors screen for the specified state opens. If Edit Errors are found, the screen is populated with the following: Error Number, Policy Number, Transaction Code, Record Type, Field Description, Field Value, and Error Description. The User has the option to modify the policy to correct the issue(s).

What does the “Duplicate Link” error mean?

The transaction already exists in PEEP. If you absolutely need to process the incoming transaction, archive the existing one before importing the new one.

I ran the PEEP validations and my transaction passed but the DCO rejected it. Why?

PEEP does basic edits. The DCOs perform additional state-specific editing once they receive and process the transaction.

How do I view the validation failures associated with my transaction?

On the Information Page, select run edit, select the state, and run edits. You will receive edit errors screen for that state.

Am I required to correct validation failures before I send the transaction to a DCO?

No. You can click the force link to force the transaction into a submission. Please note, depending on the validation error, the DCO may reject the transaction once the transaction is submitted.

How can I check the status of a WCPOLS file I submitted to a DCO?

Use the ETR search page by accessing the ETR menu and then select ETR Search. Select WCPOLS for the Product, Submission Type—(S) Standard Submission and then select the Search button. Review ETR status and ETR response to review if the submission was sent and accepted.


Is the importing function for a single submission only?

Any number of files (submissions) can be imported into PEEP. They would be imported one at a time, and no duplicates are allowed.

Is the Import policy only for renewal and new business?

The import function in PEEP works for all Transaction Codes.

Do states require testing and approval to import files?

States do not require testing and approval to import files into PEEP but testing and approval is required prior to submission of files to some DCOs. It is important to check with each DCO regarding their reporting instructions.

For importing the WCPOLS file into PEEP, does it matter what the file is named?

No. When a submission file is created, the file naming convention in Appendix B of the User’s Guide will be generated but PEEP does not care what the name is for imports.


Can we submit more than 1 file per User per day?

It is possible to submit more than one file per day to some DCOs; however, Users should make every attempt to consolidate transactions into one file. It is important to check with each DCO regarding their reporting instructions.

Does running edits send the information to a DCO?

Running Edits is the process for validating policy information so that it may be sent to a DCO in a submission file. See the PEEP User Guide for instruction on creating a submission file.

What happens if I send the same WCPOLS file twice?

One file will be rejected. Check with the appropriate DCO for further instructions.

If I submit a WCPOLS file in error what do I do?

Contact the appropriate DCO immediately.

Do all DCOs accept the same PEEP transactions?

No, check with the DCO in question.

If I have a multi-state policy (4 states), do I have to send to all 4 states?

Yes, the transaction would need to be submitted separately to each state that applies to the transaction. Go to Submissions and then select the Create File menu. Select the state the transaction is being sent to, select the transaction or transactions you want to send, and click Export. Once the file is created, select the Send option to send the file(s) to the DCO(s).

What transaction types do you accept?

All transaction types are shown in the drop down box on the add policy screen in PEEP but you must contact the appropriate DCO for specific state acceptance.

How can I create a submission with transactions from multiple carriers in my UMG?

Select the carrier code from the dropdown that is your UMG group code, and then transactions for all carriers within your UMG are displayed.

My file is very large, how can I get PEEP to accept it?

Very large files may need to be zipped before uploading to PEEP. In some cases, the file may be too large to be processed and should be broken into smaller files for processing. As PEEP does not require an ETR or Submission Control Record, you can simply go into the text file and extract out records into separate text files to then import into PEEP.


Once a policy transaction file has been deleted, is there a way to view it?

Once a policy transaction file has been deleted from PEEP, it can no longer be viewed. The User is warned of this action prior to final acceptance of the deletion.

Why is the transaction history for a given insured not complete in PEEP?

The only transactions you can see in PEEP are those that were entered or imported by your insurer into PEEP and that were not deleted by CDX per the CDX Data Retention Policy. Transactions with a “Policy Expiration Date” older than two years, and an entry date older than two years, will be deleted from PEEP. Policy transactions are deleted on a daily basis.


How do I archive a policy?

Please refer to user guide for detailed instructions.

Why does it take up to 24 hours for policies to be archived?

Archiving is done offline, when the system has fewer users or programs running, so as not to impede response time.

What is the advantage of archiving?

Archiving is a method for saving transactions before they are purged from CDX (refer to CDX retention policy). This is particularly helpful if you want to keep a record of what has been submitted.

Can I archive any policy or just policies that have been sent in a submission file?

Any policy can be archived.


Are files sent via CDX also loaded into PEEP?

CDX is a different application from PEEP. CDX is used for the exchange of electronic files to/from a DCO. In order for the transaction in a file to be in PEEP, the file would need to be imported into PEEP, as a separate operation. Once the file is imported, a submission file can be created in PEEP and sent through CDX to the DCOs.

Is any testing involved or can we simply begin using PEEP?

There are no testing requirements to use PEEP. However, if you are not already submitting files electronically to a DCO, they may require you to submit a test file if you would like to utilize PEEP to submit data to the DCOs. You should contact each DCO to find out what their testing requirements are. (Some DCOs provide the information on their websites).

If we are already using PEEP to submit data for another state, do we need to test with your state?

Although you are approved to submit policy data electronically to one DCO you may still be required to test with other DCOs. You should contact each DCO to find out what their testing requirements are. (Some DCOs provide the information on their websites).

If a file is scheduled to be deleted as indicated on the “Submission Files” page, can I save it from being deleted?

You cannot prevent a file from being deleted from the system. However, you can select to download and save the file to your network for future review and import into PEEP.

I created a submission file in PEEP, why are none of the policy transactions on record with the DCO?

Either the submission file was created but the user did not click on the link "SEND" to submit the file, or the submission was sent from PEEP, however the DCO has either not yet processed the file or has rejected the file. You can check CDX for the file process status.

Do I have to enter the data that does not have an asterisk or do the asterisks indicate what’s required for specific transactions and/or jurisdictions?

Data elements marked with an asterisk satisfy minimum requirements only. All policy data must be reported. Enter all available data fields reported on the policy transaction.

Can we fix errors online?

To fix an error, you will need to create a transaction. This can be done with a 03 Endorsement or a 08 Rating Change, 10 Non Rating Change or 14 Miscellaneous Change, depending on DCO requirements.

Who can I work with to remove policies from the PEEP system?

After the policies have been submitted, the only way to remove policies from the PEEP system is to archive the policies. In addition, per the CDX Data Retention Policy, policies with a “Policy Expiration Date” older than two years, and an entry date older than two years, will be deleted from PEEP.

What does it mean when CDX rejects your file?

When CDX rejects your file, select the reject link to see the error message. If you do not understand the error message, contact the appropriate DCO for help.

I saved a transaction in PEEP, but I can no longer find it. Was it deleted?

It is possible another user within your carrier group deleted the transaction. Try searching for the transaction using a variety of options. If the transaction is old, the transaction could have been deleted by CDX, based upon the CDX retention policy.

I created a submission file in PEEP and the DCO didn’t receive it. What happened?

The user may have created the submission in PEEP, but did not send the submission to the DCO. The user must specifically select SEND on the Submission Files page to send the file to the DCO. If you have confirmed that the file was sent from PEEP to the DCO, check the status of the file in CDX ETR. If the file was rejected, review the reason. If the sender did not have permission to send WCPOLS files through CDX (WCPOLS Transfer Permissions) for that carrier and the file was created within the last 30 days: The sender (if WCPOLS Transfer Permissions have been updated) or an Administrator with WCPOLS Transfer Permissions should go to the Submission Files page and click Send again. (After 30 days from submission file creation date, a new submission file must be created and sent.) For other rejection reasons, if you are unsure how to proceed, contact the DCO with questions and next steps. If the status is Accepted, contact the DCO to verify that the file should be sent again. When contacting the DCO, include the filename and date that the file was received at CDX.


Is any testing involved or can we simply begin using BEEP?

It is suggested that you contact the DCO directly to discuss their testing requirements. It is also recommended that carriers notify the DCO before submitting their first submission.

How long does data stay on the Web database after it has been put into BEEP?

Retention of USR data on the Web database is three years from the submission and/or entry date, whichever is later.

What is the function of Archive?

Archive is used for USRs that are no longer needed in BEEP. It allows users to retain USRs that will automatically be purged from BEEP, but the user may want to retain for historical purposes. Units are retained in BEEP for three years from submission or entry date, whichever is later. Successful archiving will result in selected data being moved to the Archive Log and then deleted from BEEP. In the case of an unsuccessful archive, the data will be placed back into the BEEP database.
NOTE: Files are not sent to the Archive Log until after the success or failure is determined.

What is the Archive Log?

The Archive Log retains a user’s archive activity for thirty (30) days. It includes a summary report of each archive result and also includes each archive file for archives that were successful.

I archived some USRs and now I cannot find them in BEEP. Is there a way to find them?

Once the user has archived BEEP data, it is deleted from the search results until the Archive process completes. If the process is not successful, the data will become available again in BEEP. If the Archive is successful, the data is deleted completely from the BEEP database. At that point, use the USR Archive Log to search for your archived items. The USR Archive Log is accessed through the Archive Log link in the BEEP functions menu. The log contains a list of the archive jobs and includes specific information regarding each archive batch, as well as a file with the archived data. The

Archive Log retains the user’s activity, including the downloadable files, for thirty (30) days.

I created a submission file in BEEP and the DCO didn’t receive it. What happened?

The user may have created the submission in BEEP, but did not send the submission to the DCO. The user must specifically select SEND on the Submission Files page to send the file to the DCO. If you have confirmed that the DCO has not received your submission, you should go to the Submission Files page and select SEND again. This must be done within 30 days of the Date Created.

When importing a WCSTAT file into BEEP, does it matter what the file name is?

BEEP has no file name requirements for imports. However, when a file is created within BEEP for submission to the DCOs, the file naming convention in Appendix B of the User’s Guide will be generated.

If we imported/submitted a USR with a mod applied to a stat code we shouldn’t have, why doesn’t it show as “Above the Mod.” in BEEP?

BEEP has a built-in class table that automatically places recognized statistical codes where they belong. Since the mod field is not reflected for “Below the Mod.” statistical codes, it isn’t visible. If the actual WCSTAT import/submission file is viewed the reported mod is reflected.

How do I show a merit rating credit/debit when entering in BEEP? I have received criticisms telling me I cannot use codes 9885 or 9886.

Consult DCO statistical plan manuals for approved programs, codes, and reporting instructions, or contact the DCO that sent the criticism.

When importing a WCSTAT file into BEEP from our mainframe, is an ETR and SCR record necessary?

No. BEEP automatically creates new ETR and SCR records when a WCSTAT file is created.

I entered several class codes in the incorrect area and it passed validation. Based on this, and reviewing the edits in place, BEEP does not appear to be editing where codes are entered. Should it be?

BEEP performs edits on valid Statistical Codes and Credit class codes. State specific class code tables are not included in BEEP. Editing of these class codes is done by the DCO and are subject to change with each ratemaking cycle.

BEEP does not automatically calculate loss totals on subsequent reports. Are there plans to have BEEP automatically recalculate loss totals on a subsequent report?

BEEP has been designed to not calculate total records on subsequent or correction reports. Some reasons for not calculating total records are:

  • Not all carriers use BEEP exclusively.
  • There is no way to know if the BEEP database contains all unit reports filed by the carrier. Exposure and loss totals are calculated on the first report only. If a submitted unit report is not in the BEEP database and that report’s exposure or loss data is missing, the BEEP generated totals on subsequent or correction reports will be incorrect.
  • It is assumed that the carriers will have the correct totals in their own system for input.

What does “Force” mean?

A USR that has failed validations can be forced into Passed Status for submission. To force a failed USR, the user can select the Force USR button in the Header, Exposure, Loss information screen, or the USR Search Results screen. This option must be repeated on each USR you wish to force.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Not all DCOs allow this option. Contact the appropriate DCO for assistance.

How do I know if my BEEP file was sent?

The ETR Search function in CDX can be used to see if the file was sent.

How do I find out the status of my BEEP file?

The ETR Search function in CDX can be used to see the status of the files. The ETR search results screen has a Status column showing the status of the files. A status of CDX Reject that appears as a link means CDX rejected the file. Select the link to review the reason for rejection. If the status shows Recipient Rejected, then the DCO rejected the file and the user should contact the DCO directly.

WCCPAP File Transmission

What is the naming convention for WCCPAP files?

The naming convention will vary by bureau.

WI — The files will be named using the following convention: O48_12345.D24225V01

  • O (O not zero) ||
  • Bureau state code (48 for WI) || '_' ||
  • Your carrier code || '.' ||
  • D (date) ||
  • Julian file created date ||
  • V (version) ||

Does the WCCPAP file mirror the CPAP worksheet?

All the data elements displayed in the CPAP worksheet are included in the WCCPAP file, but the WCCPAP file is an electronic file format and does not contain images of CPAP worksheets.

How often are WCCPAP files sent to CDX?

The frequency will vary by bureau:

WI – WCCPAP files are sent to CDX Tuesday – Saturday.

We would like to start receiving WCCPAP data from CDX via SFTP. How do we get that configured?

To receive the WCCPAP file electronically, your organizations CDX Primary Administrator must configure CDX to deliver the file to you by doing the following:

  • Logon to CDX
  • Select the Admin | My UMG drop down menu
  • Select the Locations Tab
    • The locations tab is a list of delivery methods for receiving files.
    • To review the details of a delivery method, click on the pencil icon.
    • If a delivery method is not listed for receiving the file, continue to #4. If one is listed, then skip to the next section.
  • Click on Add Location.
  • Fill out the Create Location form and click Create.

The following will have to be done for each carrier:

  • Click on the Carriers Tab.
  • Click on the link for one of the carriers.
  • Click on the Global Products Setup tab.
  • Place a checkmark for WCCPAP under the Location for Production Files column.
  • Select the drop-down arrow and select the delivery location.

WI: Notify the bureau when the steps above have been completed. Provide a list of NCCI carrier IDs participating in the service. Bureau contact information can be found on the Contact page under the column header “FOR ALL OTHER INQUIRIES”

Additional information can be found in the CDX Admin User Guide

What file formats should I expect to receive?

WCCPAP files are sent from the DCO to CDX in .txt format. If you would like CDX to compress the files before posting to your FTP site, the Insurer Primary Administrator can set this configuration by accessing the Admin | My UMG | Locations screen. Click the pencil icon next to the FTP location and select the Zip Compression option.

Is the transfer method FTP or will it be a secure transfer method?

CDX only supports secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) when sending or receiving files.