Carriers that need to configure CDX to transfer WCIndemnity (WCIND) data files to DE, MA, MI, NJ, NY or PA need to complete the following steps:
1.Transfer Permissions: If you are transferring files using SFTP or FTPS, the FTP Account that will be used must be granted Transfer Permissions to the WCIND product. Likewise, if you are using the ETR Web Upload feature, WCIND Transfer Permissions must be granted to the web user account that will be using this feature. Your Group Administrator can perform this task by accessing the Transfer Permissions page under the Admin | MyUMG menu.
2. ETR Notifications: Your Group Administrator should specify the email address for ETR notifications. They can configure this by accessing the Admin | MyUMG | Carrier page. For each carrier within your group, access the ETR Response Setup tab, click the WCIND checkbox and enter the notification email address as well as the # of Days to be used on the ETR Log.
3. File Naming Conventions: Please review the CDX User Guide for information on file naming standards.
4. Testing: If you would like to submit a test file, please contact the independent bureaus to coordinate. Contact information can be found on the Contact Us page.
For WCIndemnity submissions to CA, MN, NC and WI, please contact the independent bureaus for instructions.